Advertising Media Kit

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  • 2012 IFT Media Kit

    Advertising Media Kit

    Judge’s Comments: The IFT Media Kit is incredibly well laid out. What I particularly liked about this entry was how easy it is to navigate either while viewing online or printed out. Often times, media kits only work well in one of these formats. For the digital version, I loved the click-through option on the main page; when navigating a 21 page document this made it very easy. It had the most comprehensive editorial calendar which is incredibly helpful for targeting advertising. All of the specs and prices were also laid out making any outstanding questions null.

    Entrant Details
    Institute of Food Technologists
    2012 IFT Media Kit
    Contact: Ms. Jennifer London

  • 2012 LD+A Media Kit

    Advertising Media Kit

    Judge’s Comments: The LD+A kit was very well organized — no one could have a problem finding the necessary information looking at this kit. The design and bright colors were a nice addition but perhaps most importantly though, it was not overwhelming — in either design or content. I greatly liked the way they included the Insertion Order and Rate Card.

    Entrant Details
    Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
    2012 LD+A Media Kit
    Contact: Mr. Clayton Gordon

  • 2011 ALA Marketing Guide

    Advertising Media Kit

    Judge’s Comment: ALA took a very unique approach to their media kit, focusing on the strategy and benefits of advertising with them. The media kit was laid out in a way that made it seem you have a partner in advertising. Beginning with providing thorough demographics of the individuals advertiser’s will reach and all the way through customizing “your plan” they made it possible to see the whole picture. I could see this approach helping to engage someone who in the past would only think about print advertising to now look at web-based or in-person.

    Entrant Details
    2011 ALA Marketing Guide
    Contact: Mr. Steve Carasso

    Credited Vendors & Partners
    StraightNorth, Graphic Design Firm
    Jeff Wojciechowski,

    Kelmscott Communications, Printer Company
    Gary Krattenmaker,

2012 IFT Media Kit
2012 LD+A Media Kit
2011 ALA Marketing Guide