Frequently Asked Questions...

1. How many guests does a single table hold? A single table seats 10 guests. You do not have to fill your entire your table but we do encourage you to do so!

2. What is the difference between a vendor table and association/nonprofit table? A vendor table is available for purchase by corporations/companies only. If you are an association or nonprofit looking to purchase a table, please select the “association/nonprofit table” option.

3. I’m interested in purchasing a vendor table for my company- how many of my staff can sit at the table?
We only allow for three corporate/vendor staff members to sit at a table. We encourage you to invite association and nonprofit executives as your guest to fill your remaining seven seats. 

4. What is the dress code at the Salute?
We encourage business professional attire.

5. Where is the Salute taking place? We are hosting the Salute to Association Excellence at the Grand Hyatt – 1000 H St NW, Washington DC.

6. How long is the Salute awards program? Registration opens at 11:00 AM and we encourage to arrive early to check out our TRENDY Awards Winner Gallery. The Salute to Association Excellence program will run from 12 PM EST until 2 PM EST.

7. How can my company sponsor the Salute? Interested in sponsoring the awards show? We’d love to chat! Email